- 狮子(lion)MICE education
- 他对Mr. tiger说:Fox has a good idea.
- “tiger”意思是什么?What's the meaning of the word @Tiger@?
- 而且对于Tiger来说,Synth外观更有趣一些。Even more interesting for Tiger is the Synth look and feel.
- 好的,我姓陈-C-H-E-N,名字头一个字母是T,Tiger的T.Yes. The last name is Chen-C- H- E- N. And the first initial is,T,as in Tiger.
- 用于基站通信的ADSP tiger SHARC 101S数字信号处理器ADSP tiger sharc 101S digital signal processorin base station communication
- 高性能定/浮点ADSP Tiger SHARC 101S数字信号处理器High Performance DSP Tiger SHARC 101S
- Tiger能够记住同步的内容、时间和频率,因此您无需记住这些事项。Tiger remembers what, when, and how often to synchronize, so you don't have to.
- 因此,我们有理由期待在Tiger的静态字段中使用类型参数也是不合法的。Therefore, we can reasonably expect that they will be outlawed in static fields in Tiger as well.
- Tiger的iChat具有内建的控制,使您可以决定您的子女可以跟谁在线聊天。IChat for Tiger features built-in controls that enable you to decide who your children can chat with online.
- Tiger将高性能的智能同步服务集成在操作系统中,这提高了技术发展水平。Tiger advances the state of the art by integrating intelligent, high-performance sync services right into the operating system.
- Tiger Airways每周飞往以上目的地十次,旅客可以方便快捷到达理想地点。Flying 10 times weekly to these destinations, customers will be able to visit the island for a short getaway.
- 尽管信息如此缺乏,如果您知道到什么地方可以找到,就可获得一个Tiger的一份拷贝。In spite of a lack of information, however, you can get a copy of Tiger if you know where to look.
- Tiger以1995年正式发布之前的Java平台为基础,它没有抛弃该方法,同时还提供了一个新的类System. Working in the pre-release versions of the original Java platform back in 1995, Tiger undeprecates the method, along with offering a new class called
- Tiger,你最近的工作真是太糟糕了,你最近一次的工作报告那么迟才交给我,我想知道你最近怎么了?Tiger, Your work is too terrible recently. Your last report for me is too late, so what's wrong with you?
- 而一家叫做Tiger Beat的少儿杂志社编辑罗伯特-卡普洛却认为,这些女星和儿童杂志满足了孩子们的真正需求。But Roberta Caploe, editor of the teen magazine Tiger Beat, says these performers and teen magazines are just giving kids what they want.
- 您还可以将Tiger同步设置为在后台进行,因此使得可以更容易地将多台电脑和.Mac帐户保持在同步和最新状态。You can also set Tiger syncing to take place automatically in the background, so it's easier than ever to keep multiple computers and your.Mac account synced and up-to-date.
- 只需通过.Mac帐户将Tiger设置为同步所用的全部电脑,这样无论您选择在哪里工作,您的所有重要数据都垂手可得。Simply set Tiger to synchronize all the computers that you use, via your.Mac account, and you'll have all your important data at hand no matter where choose to work.
- 我们还说明了为Tiger制定的泛型类型的实现怎么会包含数个“缺陷”,这些缺陷限制了可以使用泛型类型的上下文。We also touched upon how the incarnation of generic types scheduled for Tiger includes several "kinks" that limit the contexts in which generic types can be used.
- Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH与Liebherr-Aerospace签订了由后者制造Tiger战斗直升机空调与飞行控制系统的订单。Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH is awarding orders to Liebherr-Aerospace to produce air conditioning and flight control systems for installation in the Tiger combat helicopter.